Tuesday, July 8, 2014


Santu is 22.
Its a gloomy day today, with humidity running high.

Santu is yet to get placed, now in 3rd year in the Engineering college. He is not one of the topper category guys, but gets decent marks in the semesters.
Sen-da is arranging the board in the bench at Jaga's tea shop. He is coming to Jaga's tea shop since he was a young lad. Now that he has retired, he can't think of any other tea corner. He feels that he would be cheating Jaga if he doesn't come to his shop every day at 430.

The student union in Santu's college is in control of an ultra left political outfit. Suhasini, one of the union leaders, and Santu are having an affair since first year fest. Its quite an uncommon pair, but they are having a steady affair for the last year and a half.
One of the pawn has gone missing since last Wednesday. A red piece from Ludo board is replacing it. Jaga is becoming unmindful with his ages. Sen-da reminds him everyday to keep the pieces together in his cupboard. Still he misplaced the pawn.

Suhasisni hails from Asansol. She stays in the Ladies hostel as its impossible to travel daily to Kolkata to attend the classes. She returns to her place every alternate weekend.
Sen-da went to the local librarian yesterday to learn a few tricks. Dutta is beating him regularly these days. He needs to make some new moves. Dutta must have learnt a few tricks from his son. Sen-da's son doesn't have any interest in the board games.

Santu believes in social justice. So is Suhasini. Some day, they dream to bring in a social change. It won't be in the 70's violent way, but in a peaceful manner.
The local librarian is a jack of all trades, and supposedly a master of chess also. He taught a couple of new moves to Sen-da yesterday. Sen-da is exuding with confidence today.

Santu is in doubts now-a-days about his career. With the dwindling number of companies visiting campus, he is not very sure of getting placed from the campus. Suhasini has got an offer from a Bangalore based software company. The package is quite good.
Sen-da looked up at the sky. The met office has predicted continued heat wave. But Sen-da feels it might rain tonight. Generally his predictions work when it comes to rain.

Santu's options are running out fast. He is not one of the muggers, who can crack the GATE exam, neither has he confidence in his English vocab which he considers a major blocker in attempting for any of the B-schools. If he doesn't get an offer from campus, its going to be tough for him to get one from off-campus.
Today Dutta is getting late. Jaga got Sen-da a cup of tea while he is waiting for his partner. The board is all set with the 31 pieces and the red piece from ludo board.

Santu had sneaked into the Ladies Hostel last night. He wanted to have a long chat with Suhasini. Suhasini's roomie is on vacation as she needed to visit her parents suddenly. They decided to take that chance. But even after talking all over the night, Santu still doesn't have any clue on his next step. Suhasini is insisting Santu to come down to Bangalore and stay for a month or so to search for jobs.
Sen-da started moving his pieces. He started with e4. Today he wants to show off his newly learnt skill. What is the point of learning a trick which you can't show off to others. He is waiting for Dutta to join.

Dutta-da is getting late today. Last night his son told that he would stay at his friend's place. But he has not returned yet. Dutta-da started feeling restless when the boy didn't return by 10AM. Generally he doesn't stay at his friend's place overnight. He called up some of his friends' phone numbers. But none of them knew about his whereabouts. Dutta-da was feeling a bit lost. Someone suggested to lodge a missing diary in the local police station when he didn't return till 1PM. 

Dutta-da is getting really worried now. He was supposed to be in Jaga's tea shop by 5 to play his regular chess with Sen. But Santu has not returned yet.

Story composed by Subhamoy Chakraborti for Kolom

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